Tucson Trash Schedule 2024 (Holidays and Bulk Waste Pickup)
A United States city, Tucson is located near Sierra Vista in the state of Arizona, being the second most populous city of this state. However, their trash collection program is even more efficient.

Just like the other cities of the USA, the Tucson government cleans its streets and collects garbage and recyclable items from the houses regularly, to maintain cleanliness in the city.
If you want to be a part of this program or already are, continue reading below for all kinds of information regarding it.
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Tucson Trash Pickup Timings
Trash collection in Tucson takes place one time a week. Residents have to place the trash before 6 am as the collection starts after it.
There must be a minimum of three feet distance between the trash cans and place them at the places which do not disturb traffic flow in any way.
In case of any problem, request or query, contact the Tucson waste department’s customer service by calling at 520-792-3171. Your collection can cost you $15 to $16.75 per month, depending on the trash can you are using.
Change or Holidays in the Tucson trash schedule
The trash program does not change on normal days and conditions, however, there are some public holidays announced by the government which can delay the schedule for a day. Here are the public holidays you need to remember.
- New Year’s Day – Monday January 2, 2023
- MLK Holiday – Monday January 16, 2023
- President’s Day – Monday February 20, 2023
- Memorial Day – Monday May 29, 2023
- Independence Day – Tuesday July 4, 2023
- Labor Day – Monday September 4, 2023
- Thanksgiving Day – Thursday November 23, 2023
- Christmas Day – Monday December 25, 2023
No collection will take place on these mentioned days and the schedule will shift towards the next day.
Household dangerous waste
Not all of your daily use items are safe enough to be thrown along with the regular trash. Household hazardous waste includes all the daily life items which can cause fire or are explosive.
Household hazardous materials include paints, pesticides and insecticides, swimming pool chemicals, furniture polish, fireworks and other explosives, mercury, acids, brake fluid, photographic chemicals, medications, fertilizers, varnishes, wood stain, toner, lead, gas cylinders, kerosene, gasoline, glues and adhesives, shoe polish and many other such items.
In Tucson such waste materials should be taken to the Los Reales Landfill, where they can be disposed of easily. It is present at 5300 E. Los Reales Road and is available for the public from Monday to Saturday from 6 am to 5 pm.
Tucson recycling schedule
Find Tucson recycling schedule here: https://www.tucsonaz.gov/Departments/Environmental-and-General-Services/Find-Trash-Recycling-Pickup-Day-and-Information
Every item which can be recycled should be placed inside the recycling cart. Some of the recyclable items include dry paper items like newspapers and magazines, glass jars and small glass items, cardboard boxes or other things made out of cardboard, empty metal cans used for storing food and liquids etc.
Plastics which can be recycled include jugs, bottles and other containers, but they should be washed first. Other plastic items other than these should be thrown in the garbage cart. Paper, cardboard and plastic items mentioned above should be placed inside the blue cans.
Glass materials can be recycled, but they should be put inside the purple bins. Note that plastic bags like shopping bags cannot be recycled and it is better to take them to a landfill.
Recycling is not for every available item
Following items can not be recycled.
- Daily household trash
- Household hazardous waste
- Plastic bags and plastic wrappers
- Food waste
- Containers having any kind of food or drinks inside them
- Heavy items also have a separate pickup schedule
Bulk Items Pickup Schedule
Goods too large and heavy to fit inside the regular trash cans like rugs and carpets, washers, dryers, furniture like chairs, sofas and tables, heaters, air conditioners (after CFCs have been taken care of), refrigerators (with all refrigerants removed), lumber, scrap metals, pipes etc. are termed as bulk trash. Separate pickups are arranged for these kinds of goods and these items are collected only two times a year in Tucson.
Items like compressed gas, televisions, books, magazines and other recyclable goods, household dangerous waste like wet paints and varnishes, yard waste like tree branches and grass, plastic bags, dirt, stones and bricks, industrial waste like concrete and cement, household waste which is to be thrown in the trash cans, should NOT be included in the bulk waste.
For Bulk Waste Service, Order at 520-791-3171
Things you should keep in mind
Here are some instructions for the Tucson residents.
- Bulk trash should be placed at its place before 6 am on the Monday of the collection week.
- Your house address should be clearly written on all the trash containers you have placed outside for garbage pickup.
- Throwing litter on the streets and roads is strictly forbidden.
- Your trash cans should not be overfilled with the garbage items, as it can result in garbage being thrown on the streets.
- You can request another garbage can by calling the department if the previous one has been broken or is lost.
- Yard waste, if being placed inside the garbage can, should be small enough to let the bin’s lid closed.
Contact the Environmental and General Services Department
The EGSD department gives you customer services, giving you information about your schedule and pickup day, the products you can recycle and the ones which you should place in the garbage cans.
You can contact the department through any of the following methods from Monday to Saturday between 7 am and 5 pm.
Visit the City of Tucson Environmental and General Services Department from the address: 4004 S. Park Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85714.
- Number – (520) 791-3171
- E-mail – [email protected]
- For landfill Information – 520-791-4183
- For recycling Information – 520-791-5000
- For household Hazardous Waste Information – 520-791-3171