Sacramento Garbage Schedule 2024 (Recycling and Bulk Waste Pickup)

Sacramento, a city in the United States of America, is the capital of its state of California.

Sacramento Garbage Schedule

Like other cities in the country, this one too has a very extensive system for the trash collection in the area, which includes streets sweeping, garbage and yard waste collection, bulk and hazardous waste items pickup, and many other services.

For more information regarding the trash collection program in Sacramento, continue reading the contents below.

Sacramento Trash Pickup Schedule

Trash collection in Sacrament takes place one time a week. However, the collection days may vary from area to area.

That is why, if you need your Sacramento Garbage Schedule by address, enter your address details at the following link: 

In case you miss your collection day, contact the management through 3-1-1 or 916-875-4311​. If your garbage does not fit inside the cart provided to you by the government, you can request another one by calling at the number given above.

Sacramento Recycling Schedule

Collection of recyclable items in Sacramento takes place every other week. However, you must have the knowledge about what kind of items should be recycled and what should be thrown in the garbage cans. Recyclables include:

  • Cereal boxes
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines, catalogs
  • Aluminum trays and foil rinsed
  • Pots, pans and utensils
  • Lids from jars
  • Plastic containers no. 1 – 7
  • Buckets, pails and crates
  • Laundry baskets
  • Aluminum and tin cans
  • Paper bags
  • Paper packaging
  • Junk mail
  • Soda bottles, milk jugs, shampoo bottles, etc.

Sacramento Bulk Pickup Schedule

Sacramento residents can schedule two bulk pickups in a year, at their own desired time.

However, if you schedule your pickup from February to October, you can get your items collected free of cost. Bulky items are the ones which are too large and heavy to be placed inside the regular trash cans.

These include furniture like chairs, tables and sofas, mattresses, toys, pipe, carpet etc. Yard waste can also be collected along with the bulk waste, however, it should be placed separately from the other bulky items.

Household Hazardous Waste Disposal

Household hazardous waste includes the things which can easily explode or start a fire, or are dangerous to be picked up by the workers.

These include paints, pesticides and insecticides, swimming pool chemicals, furniture polish, varnishes, wood stain, fireworks and other explosives, mercury, acids, brake fluid, photographic chemicals, medications, fertilizers, toner, lead, gas cylinders, kerosene, gasoline, glues and adhesives, shoe polish etc.

Hazardous waste materials are not allowed to be placed along with the regular daily garbage or recyclable items in Sacramento. To dispose of these items, you should take them to a drop-off location.

Sacramento Recycling and Transfer Station HHW facility is available for the residents from Tuesday to Saturday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.

Yard Waste disposal

Yard waste consists of all the waste materials from your house lawns like tree branches, leaves, grass, Christmas trees, brushes and other vegetative materials.

Things you should NOT add with yard waste include food waste, daily trash, recyclables like paper and cardboard, household hazardous waste like paints and bulk waste.

You can also take yard waste to the yard waste disposal facilities in Sacramento.

What to do about Organic waste in Sacramento?

Organic compostable items include fruit and vegetable peels, scraps, trimmings, pith, stalks, nuts, shells, meat, poultry, seafood, shrimp, shells, fish, chicken, skin, bones, ribs, dairy, eggshells, grain, pasta, spoiled food, pet food, greasy pizza boxes, food-contaminated paper, coffee filters, pits, fruit stones, seeds, tops, rinds, wooden toothpicks, wooden disposable chopsticks, natural wine corks, soiled napkins, paper towels, uncoated used paper plates etc.

Such materials should not be thrown in trash cans, instead they should be composted and hence you should place them inside the organic recycling containers. After that they will be mixed and composted, turning them into nutrient rich products used as fertilizers for plants.

Instructions for the Sacramento Residents

Following are some instructions each of you should have in mind.

  • Citizens are not allowed to throw trash on streets, and if they do so, they’ll be strictly fined. 
  • It is the duty of residents to inform the police if any such incident where a person is knowingly throwing garbage on streets occurs. 
  • All the trash bags should have a distance of five feet from every kind of blockage like trees, utility poles and also from the streets in order to avoid any inconvenience.
  • Place the cans three feet away from each other.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To schedule a garbage pickup in Sacramento, call at the (916) 875-5555 number. You can request a pick up on your desired day, but this collection comes with a fee.

Recyclable items in Sacramento include cereal boxes, newspaper, magazines, catalogs, aluminum trays and foil rinsed, pots, pans and utensils, plastic containers no. 1 – 7, buckets, aluminum and tin cans, paper bags, paper packaging, junk mail, soda bottles, milk jugs, shampoo bottles etc.

To schedule a junk or bulk pickup in Sacramento, call 311 and submit your request or 916-875-4311​. The residents can have two free junk pickups in a year, from February to October.

Sacramento Garbage Schedule – Recap

The Sacramento trash collection program collects your trash from your houses, which not only includes your daily waste, but you can dispose of your house’s yard waste, bulky products, hazardous waste products and all other kinds of waste items.

For your convenience, you can use the SacRecycle app, which will remind you often about your pickup day and also inform you about the methods you can dispose of anything you have in mind. 

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