Bettendorf Trash Schedule 2024 (Holidays, Recycling and Bulky Waste Schedule)
Discover the complete Bettendorf trash schedule for 2023, including holiday pickups, recycling guidelines, and bulk waste disposal. Stay informed and keep your neighborhood clean with our comprehensive guide.
Bettendorf is a city located in the Iowa state of the United States. One of the largest cities in the state, the city of Bettendorf has an awesome system of waste cleaning, trash collection from houses, yard waste and bulk pickup etc.
All you need to do is to sign up for this program if you haven’t already done it, and have a look at the following details about the Bettendorf trash collection program.
Bettendorf Trash Collection Map
Click on the map below to see the Bettendorf Trash Schedule:
City of Bettendorf Garbage Pickup Schedule
Trash collection in Bettendorf takes place on a regular basis. To find the services available for your area, just enter your address at the
Make sure to place your garbage can, at its right position before 6 am on your collection day. One important thing to take care of while placing the trash cans is to point the arrows on the carts towards the street.
City of Bettendorf Garbage Holiday
The trash collection schedule can change on some public holidays announced by the government. On such days, the pickup shifts on some other day.
If the holiday is on Saturday, your garbage pickup will take place on Friday, and if it’s on Sunday, your schedule will shift to Monday.
Below is the Bettendorf garbage pickup holiday schedule:
- New Year’s Day – Monday, January 2, 2023
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – Monday, January 16, 2023
- Presidents Day – Monday, February 20, 2023
- Good Friday – Friday, April 7, 2023
- Memorial Day – Monday, May 29, 2023
- Independence Day – Tuesday, July 4, 2023
- Labor Day Monday – September 4, 2023
- Veterans Day – Saturday, November 11, 2023
- Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 23, 2023
- Day after Thanksgiving – Friday, November 24, 2023
- Christmas Day – Monday, December 25, 2023
Bettendorf Recycling Schedule
There are a number of goods which need to be recycled but before that one must have the complete knowledge of what kind of things are to be placed in recycling carts. Some most common recyclable items include:
- Newspaper & advertisements, office paper (both white and colored), catalogs
- Magazines, phonebooks, cereal boxes
- Shoe boxes, corrugated cardboard, shredded paper
- Paperback books, tissue boxes, mail
- Paper egg cartons, snack boxes, toilet paper rolls
- Paper towel rolls, pop and beer cartons, frozen food boxes
- Tissue paper, wrapping paper tubes, greeting cards
- Kraft paper bags, paper gift and shopping bags, boxboards
- Liquid containing cartons
The complete details of what items belong to what type of container can be found out from this webpage
Recycle Aluminum Cans for Money
What not to recycle in Bettendorf?
Following things can not be recycled at any cost.
- Items with food residue or grease stains
- Large number of bound books and textbooks
- Mirror or window glass, crystal, drinking glass
- Ceramics, ovenware
- Light bulbs
- Aerosol cans
- Styrofoam
- Plastic bags
- Gas cans
- Metal building materials or scraps
- Broken glass
Get to know if Are Trash Bags Recyclable or not?
Hazardous Waste Disposal in Bettendorf
Household hazardous waste includes all the things which are harmful to be placed openly along with daily trash as these things can explode or catch fire easily. Examples of household hazardous waste are swimming pool chemicals, fertilizers, varnishes, acids, fireworks and other explosive substances, batteries and cells, glues and adhesives, medications, mercury, gas cylinders, furniture polish, smoke detectors, shoe polish, paints, pesticides and insecticides etc.
Take these items to the hazardous items waste facility at the 5640 Carey Ave, Davenport, IA 52807 address. The place is open between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm from Monday to Friday in Winters (October to April) and can be visited between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm on Mondays whereas between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm from Tuesday to Friday in Summers (May to September).
Bettendorf Bulky Waste Schedule
Bulk waste includes the things which are large enough not to fit inside a regular trash cart.
This is the reason bulk waste requires separate pickup and has a schedule different from household garbage collection schedule. Bulk products include:
- Bicycle and swing sets
- Furniture like chairs, couches, dressers, desks, and tables
- Small tree shrubs
- Mattresses
- Stove and water heater (chemicals removed)
- Appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners but they should be free of refrigerants
- Yard waste should be placed separately instead of placing it with bulk waste
- Other household items
Click on this!rc-set=Bettendorf&rc-cpage=wizard_material_list and type whatever large waste you want to get picked up.
Guidelines for the Bettendorf residents
Here are some guidelines that will help ease your life in Bettendorf!
- Kindly place the bulk items before 6 am on your collection day.
- Throwing trash on the streets and roads is not allowed and should not be practiced by the citizens.
- Your trash cans should not be overfilled with the garbage items, as it can result in garbage being thrown on the streets.
- Mention your house address clearly on all the trash containers you have placed outside for garbage pickup so that your containers don’t get mixed up with others.
- You can request another garbage can by calling the department if the previous one has been broken or is lost.
- Yard waste can only be placed inside the trash cart if it is small enough to fit inside it.
Frequently Asked Questions About Bettendorf Trash Schedule
That was all about Bettendorf trash schedule by
The city of Bettendorf provides all kinds of services for homes and offices regarding trash pickup and recycling.
One can report a missed collection at [email protected] or by calling (563) 344-4088.
The same contact info can be used in order to request another cart from the waste department. Just get to know about your schedule and get rid of all your household waste easily.