Cincinnati Trash Schedule 2024 (Bulk Waste Pickup and Holidays)
Cincinnati is one of the largest cities in the state of Ohio, but still has a very effective trash collection program that covers the whole of the city.

You can know all about the program like your collection day, nature of products to be placed in different categories of carts etc. from below.
Other Cities in Ohio:
Cincinnati Trash Pickup Program
Trash collection takes place once a week in Cincinnati, however to know about your schedule by address, enter your address in the bar given on the Cincinnati’s government website: http -//
The garbage you place in the government-allotted bins should not be more than 75 lbs. in weight. However, additional carts can be requested from the government by going to the https -// or by calling at 311.
After you open this website, enter your address details in the given address bar and go to the garbage or trash section. There you’ll be given the option to request a cart delivery at your location.
Change or Holidays in the Cincinnati Trash Schedule
Under normal conditions, no change in trash collection schedule takes place. However, some of the public holidays announced by the government alter the schedule. No trash collection takes place on these days, and the schedule is shifted to the next day, which in turn shifts on the next day and so on.
- Monday January 16, 2023 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Monday February 20, 2023 – Presidents Day
- Monday May 29, 2023 – Memorial Day
- Monday June 19, 2023 – Juneteenth
- Tuesday July 4, 2023 – Independence Day
- Monday September 4, 2023 – Labor Day
- Friday November 10, 2023 – Veterans Day
- Thursday November 23, 2023 – Thanksgiving
- Monday December 25, 2023 – Christmas
- Monday January 1, 2024 – New Year’s Day
Items to be placed in garbage carts
Following are the examples of things one can throw in trash cans.
- Dust, after placing it in another bag first
- Hazardous items like paints when they are completely dried.
- Small rugs and carpets
- Daily household waste
- Medical waste like needles and syringes only if they are tightly packed inside some boxes
Collection of Yard Waste
Best way to place yard waste in front of your house is to place it inside bags and clearly mention on it that it has yard waste in it.
Some of the yard waste includes tree branches, leaves, grass, brushes and other vegetative materials. Dirt, rocks and sand, cement and concrete, wood to which glue is added, recyclable items, animal waste and dead animals are the things that should NOT be added to yard waste.
Note that yard waste should not be greater than 25 lbs. in weight and should not be covered in any kind of plastic, metal or tape.
Cincinnati Recycling Schedule
There are a number of goods that can be recycled and hence reused. You must know about them in order to place them in the right container. Recyclable items are normally placed inside blue carts.
Recycling all the items which can be done is a must as it improves the air quality and cleans the environment. The things you can place inside blue containers include dry paper products like simple paper, newspapers, magazines and other such stuff. Cardboards and related products, glass products and electronics can be recycled.
Other recyclable items include aluminum cans, aluminum foil, and metal products. The Cincinnati government is now accepting plastic cups for recycling. Note that moist papers like tissue wipes should not be sent for recycling.
What not to throw in the recycling containers
Following items should not be sent for recycling.
- Paints, varnishes, insecticides, pesticides and other such dangerous household items
- Plastic bags should not be thrown in the recycling can, as one must take them to the landfill
- Polystyrene foam or styrofoam
- Daily household trash
Cincinnati bulk waste
Products too large to be placed inside the garbage carts are termed as bulk waste. A maximum of five bulk products can be picked up at a time.
To schedule a pickup, call 311 or visit One can also get the 311Cincy android application for the same purpose. Bulk items include
- Furniture like chairs, couches, dressers, desks, and tables
- Mattresses
- Stove and water heater (with freons removed)
- Bicycle and swing sets (get every part separated)
- Television covering (with all electronic parts removed from inside)
- Small tree shrubs
- Other household items
- Appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners but they should be free of refrigerants
- Yard waste should be placed separately instead of placing it with bulk waste.
Waste dangerous enough to throw in regular trash cans
Household hazardous items are the ones which can catch fire easily or which contain dangerous chemicals. The right method to get rid of such materials is to tightly pack them in boxes and these things should be present in their original containers at the time you throw them off.
The department should be notified first about a pickup of dangerous waste because it doesn’t happen at the same time as the regular trash. One should take them to a landfill or waste disposal facility and then dispose of them properly.
These things include gas cylinders, furniture polish, smoke detectors, fireworks and other explosives, mercury, acids, shoe polish, paints, pesticides and insecticides, swimming pool chemicals, brake fluid, photographic chemicals, medications, fertilizers, varnishes, wood stain, toner, lead, batteries and cells, glues and adhesives etc.
Some things to note
Some important things for the Cincinnati residents are.
- Make sure to keep your trash cans away from the traffic in winters and keep the bins at a three feet minimum distance from each other.
- One should write their address on every trash can so that they don’t get misplaced.
- Throwing garbage on the streets knowingly is considered unlawful according to the government and can get you a punishment or fine.
- If you see a dead animal on any street, inform the government by filing a request at